Ian Terry
Ian Terry
Investment Committee

Ian Terry is a pre-eminent litigator and an accredited mediator at One Essex Court. He was a partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, where he was Head of Dispute Resolution between 2006 and 2009 and the firm’s worldwide Managing Partner between 1996 and 2001.

In a legal career spanning almost four decades, Ian has been involved in many of the most high profile commercial disputes of the day. He has broad commercial experience involving many business sectors and jurisdictions. In addition to English High Court and appellate proceedings, Ian has extensive experience of arbitration and mediation. For a number of years Ian was one of a small number of litigators ranked in the top echelon by Chambers. “A fantastic super smart lawyer” who market sources hail as a “first rate brilliant tactician of considerable market standing” Chambers 2013.

Ian brings his immense experience to bear as a member of Balance Legal Capital’s Investment Committee, where he evaluates the fund’s potential litigation and arbitration investments.